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If you’ve just laid your eyes upon your new LaPerm cat or kitten, congratulations! You’ve got a new, curly-haired ball of fluff that’s bound to bring you oodles of joy and laughter. But there’s one tiny, insignificant detail you need to address – what are you going to call your adorable feline? Fear not, dear reader, because we’ve got a list of fun, quirky, and unique names for your LaPerm that are just as extraordinary as your cat!

Female LaPerm Kitten Names:

1. Tootsie
2. Cuddlesworth
3. Curly Sue
4. Purr-lin Monroe
5. Lady Fluffington
6. Queen Purr-a-lot
7. Meow-zart
8. Kitty Purry
9. Fur-licity
10. Clawdia
11. Cleo-cat-ra
12. Cat-herine the Great
13. Purrsace
14. Kitty Hawk
15. LaPurrmaid
16. Meow-gan
17. Purr-mione
18. Catniss Everdeen
19. Princess Purr-sia
20. Cat-arina
21. Meow-donna
22. Coco Cat-nel
23. Claw-drey Hepburn
24. Cat-nelope
25. Purrsis
26. Cat-sandra
27. Purr-silla
28. Cat-hleen
29. Furry Potter
30. Cat-thryn
31. Claw-ressa
32. Purr-lene
33. Paw-line
34. Claw-rissa
35. Purr-sia
36. Cat-astrophe
37. Purr-fection
38. Meow-lificent
39. Claw-rence
40. Cat-alina
41. Claw-dia
42. Purr-snickety
43. Cat-itude
44. Purr-suasion
45. Claw-ver
46. Cat-chy
47. Purr-fect
48. Claw-some
49. Cat-ching
50. Purr-etty

Male LaPerm Kittens:

1. Sir Purrs-a-lot
2. Claw-verfield
3. Meow-rice
4. Purr-ceval
5. Tom-meow
6. Paw-sident
7. Clawed Monet
8. Cat Stevens
9. Meow-lcolm
10. Furr-anklin
11. Paw-l Newman
12. Mr. Whiskerly
13. Cat-tain America
14. Purr-cey
15. Paw-ssanova
16. Claw-nan O’Brien
17. Leonardo Di-Cat-rio
18. Paw-l Bunyan
19. Meow-tisse
20. Mr. Claw-tastic
21. Purr-snickety
22. Cat-astrophic
23. Paw-some
24. Meow-zart
25. Cat-man-do
26. Purr-cival
27. Claw-ver
28. Paw-drey Hepburn
29. Meow-gnificent
30. Cat-thew
31. Purr-cy
32. Meow-thew
33. Claw-rence
34. Paw-drick
35. Cat-niss Everdeen
36. Purr-cy Jackson
37. Paw-l
38. Cat-astrophe
39. Meow-ssolini
40. Paw-vel
41. Cat-spar
42. Purr-snickety
43. Meow-k Twain
44. Paw-rence
45. Cat-thias
46. Paw-vel
47. Cat-astrophe
48. Meow-ssolini
49. Paw-vel
50. Cat-spar

Non-Gender Names:

1. Whiskerly
2. Scruffles
3. Catnip
4. Purr-fection
5. Furball
6. Clawdio
7. Kitty Hawk
8. Purr-litzer
9. Meow-gneto
10. Purr-fessor X
11. Fur-ocious
12. Claw-some
13. Meow-tain
14. Paw-some
15. Fur-real
16. Purr-suasive
17. Meow-saic
18. Paw-sibility
19. Claw-ver
20. Meow-gical
21. Paw-sitive
22. Cat-chy
23. Meow-derful
24. Paw-tastic
25. Fur-titude
26. Meow-nificent
27. Paw-fection
28. Fur-ever
29. Meow-zing
30. Paw-riffic
31. Fur-tastic
32. Meow-velous
33. Paw-sibly
34. Fur-laxing
35. Meow-ntain
36. Paw-rity
37. Fur-tunate
38. Meow-mentum
39. Paw-spective
40. Fur-bulous
41. Meow-narch
42. Paw-rade
43. Fur-midable
44. Meow-dernity
45. Paw-risma
46. Fur-nomenal
47. Meow-lody
48. Paw-ragon
49. Fur-niture
50. Meow-lange

Thanks for visiting Cats and Kittens Central, your one-stop resource for all things feline. We wish you the best of luck with your new LaPerm kitten or cat. Remember, a cat by any other name wouldn’t be as purr-fect!

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